Investing in Introduct as a company
Investor relation is priority for us at any time. As a privately owned company with a very tight ownership group, Introduct holds a discerning approach to accepting investors. We value the potential synergies that strong partnerships can bring to Introduct Group, and we invite interested parties to initiate the review and communication process at any time by reaching out to us with their investment offers. Your interest in supporting Introduct’s growth is valued and greatly appreciated.
Please get in touch, and let’s explore how we can collaborate for mutual success.
Invest in ongoing startup projects supported by Introduct
Invest in ongoing startup projects supported by Introduct: We’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with IGF Fund (Impulse Generator Fund) on an array of dynamic startup projects. If you’re interested in becoming an investor and joining us in fueling innovation, we encourage you to connect with IGF Fund directly. They’re actively involved in the startups that Introduct supports and participates in. For more information and to express your interest, please visit their website:
Your investment could be a catalyst for transformative changes, and we look forward to the prospect of partnering with you in driving innovation and growth within the tech ecosystem.