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Why we blog you may ask?  Well, our aim here is to openly share any important, exciting and sometimes revolutionising articles with anyone who is willing to read them! We try to cover a wide range of topics snd share our opinion and dreams on what interests us as a software development company. Hope you enjoy our efforts as much as we do love writing these blogs, while all of us  learn something new and exciting for all of this!

Let’s read up!

5 minutes

The maritime industry embarks on a new journey where artificial intelligence is changing how men have been navigating the high seas for so long. Think of a shipping sector in which routes are optimized, cargo matched with optimal accuracy, and fuel efficiency raises new bars. Such is a vision; AI tools are in the process of being made to offer a makeover of the mind in the unpredictable world of tramp shipping.

Software development
4 minutes

Today, artificial intelligence technologies are widespread and evolving rapidly. One of the most revolutionary tools is Devin AI. It is an artificial intelligence platform that revolutionizes software development. Developed by Cognition Labs, Devin AI is considered to be the world’s first autonomous artificial intelligence software developer. At Introduct, we’re all about innovations and improvements in the field of software development.

banking software
4 minutes

Can you imagine this: your banking needs are met with a few smartphone taps and transactions are secure? This is no longer just some far-off future but a fast-evolving present. Not a future remote but a rapidly unfolding reality. In the middle of this metamorphosis is banking software development. It’s a fast-changing path from simple digital systems to the multifaceted, integrated platforms that underpin today’s financial services.

5g application
4 minutes

How about if we told you that developing 5G applications seems effortless like you are piecing a puzzle? Well, Nokia, in partnership with Google Cloud, is working on the next big thing in the 5G application development scene. According to Nokia, their collaboration should serve as a game-changer in 5G application development.

3 minutes

Nowadays, a large amount of people have heard about the IoT and an IoT device, meaning The Internet of Things. But what exactly does it mean and what role does it play in business nowadays? IoT has changed and revolutionized various business sectors, bringing smart solutions starting from factories and healthcare systems, IoT has the potential to change other sectors even more.

4 minutes

Today, when something new appears every day, especially in programming, tools for building software are rapidly changing and bringing innovations to our lives. To stay up-to-date and in trend, software developers need to adapt to them and utilize them in their work. We have already talked about software development trends, and now we’d like to talk more about new coding languages and the way they transform software development in general.